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Infant Colic Drops: Your Ultimate Guide in Soothing Colic Pain in Babies

By January 25, 2024June 14th, 2024Children Healths5 min read
Infant colic drops

Dealing with colic pain in babies can be challenging for parents and it occurs in almost one-third to one-fifth of infants. It involves frequent, unexplained crying for three hours or more, typically at the same time daily, affecting both bottle-fed and breast-fed babies.

Colic pain in babies is most common between 2 and 16 weeks of age, usually resolving by six months. The crying, often linked to abdominal pain, can be frustrating, as cuddling or distractions may not work. 

Caregivers may find it stressful, making it difficult to handle the crying baby. Colic typically starts between 2 and 4 weeks, reaching its peak between 6 and 8 weeks.

Understanding possible causes and how to manage them is crucial for parents dealing with colicky babies.

Symptoms of Colic Pain in Babies & Challenges Faced by Parents

The baby typically starts crying in the evening or late afternoon, showing signs of discomfort such as:

  •  A flushed expression
  • Clenching the fingers
  • Angry scowls or grimaces
  • Hearable stomach grumblings
  • Bending the back, or pulled up legs which makes people assume that its due to a bellyache
  • Not being able to comfort the baby at all
  • The infant heals on its own and typically falls asleep or naps peacefully
  • All efforts to comfort the baby don’t work
  • Occasionally, the baby may pass abdominal gas or feces
  • Loud and uncontrollable crying for at least three hours

Despite the regular crying, the baby seems calm and healthy at other times, feeds properly, and gains weight appropriately for their age. The colic resolves on its own and is believed to be linked to the baby’s neurodevelopmental maturation.

Symptoms of colic pain in babies

Causes of Colic Pain in Babies

The actual cause of colic pain is still unclear, despite extensive research. Various theories have been proposed to try and explain it:

  • Immature digestive system
  • Gas accumulation
  • Overfeeding or improper feeding technique
  • Swallowing air while feeding
  • Maternal diet (if breastfeeding)
  • Food allergies or sensitivities
  • Gastroesophageal reflux
  • Constipation
  • Infection or illness
causes of colic pain in babies

Treatment and Prevention

Ease your baby’s discomfort with simple practices like gentle swing, soothing gestures, pacifiers, or using a hauler. Consider walks, warm baths, and calming sounds can also help. Place the baby on the tummy or give a gentle tummy rub. 

Feed the baby in an upright position, burping during and after each feeding. Also, infant colic drops can help to reduce colic pain in babies. Breastfeeding moms can ease colic pain by reducing allergens and avoiding irritating foods, such as onions, cabbage, cucumbers, or caffeine. Medications may pose risks, so prioritize self-care with breaks, rest, a healthy diet, and hydration.

Colic pain in babies is hard to prevent as it’s common in many babies. However, you can reduce signs of stress by changing diapers, feeding on time, burping during and after each feeding, giving them infant colic drops and meeting their essential needs.

How Infant Colic Drops Can Ease Your Baby’s Pain

Soothe your baby’s pain with colic drops, a gentle remedy designed to alleviate pain and discomfort. It targets the root causes of colic, the drops provide quick relief, as your baby’s pain fades away.

With a gentle and effective formula, infant colic drops provide much-needed relief, allowing your baby to rest peacefully. Choose the natural solution for your baby’s well-being and use PRO-COLIC Drops for a comforting touch that eases your babies’ pain.

Benefits of Pro-Colic Drops:

Discover relief for colic with Pro-Colic Drops. It’s a novel probiotic formula developed to relieve crying in a colicky infant. It improves infant health by reducing colic episodes in infants.

Pro-colic is clinically proven to be effective in bottle-fed babies and C-section-born babies. It provides a gentle and effective solution for colic pain, promoting a calm and comfortable experience for infants. With natural ingredients and easy direction, infant colic drops offer quick and soothing relief, making parenting a more enjoyable journey.

Fortunately, Colic pain in babies can be easily treated with infant colic drops. Caregivers can also give babies PRO-COLIC DROPS, a product of Matrix Pharma. To know more about the highly-effective solution for colic pain “PRO-COLIC DROPS”, visit:

What is PROCOLIC and is PROCOLIC safe for children?

PROCOLIC is a Food Supplement combining two different strains of Pediococcus pentosaceus (CECT 8330) and Bidobacterium longum (CECT 7894) in oral drops. PROCOLIC is safe to use in infants from the age of 0-3 years.

How to take PROCOLIC?

Shake before use. The recommended daily dose is 5 drops /dose during 2 weeks before or after the first meal. For infants, drops can be mixed with milk at room temperature. Do not mix with boiling milk. 

Best colic drops for newborns.

For the best colic drops for newborns, ProColic Drops are highly recommended. These drops are specifically designed to provide relief from colic and are safe for infants. For more detailed information about ProColic Drops and how they can help your newborn, please visit the:
