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Constipation in winter Do’s and Don’ts

By December 29, 2023Constipation3 min read
Constipation in winter Do’s and Don’ts

In winter, we often prefer being indoors to stay warm and comfy. We enjoy snuggling in blankets and eating hot meals and different winter foods, but the coming of this season can also mean increasing instances of constipation, common colds, flu, and sore throats.

During winter, reduced physical activity and decreased thirst can lead to lower fluid intake, which can cause dehydration and also potentially raise the risk of constipation. Furthermore, increased appetite and poor food choices may worsen this issue. To maintain good digestive health, unlock the essential do’s and don’ts of keeping constipation at bay this winter season.


1.   Stay Hydrated & Take Warm Drinks: Consume at least 2 to 3 liters of fluids daily, including warm herbal teas and coffee, to aid digestion and regular bowel movements.

2.   Other Warmers: Easily digestible hot meals, which naturally take longer to consume during winter, can benefit your digestion.

3.   Eat Jaggery After Meals: Jaggery, rich in fiber, iron, and essential minerals, aids in cleansing the body and improving digestion during the colder months.

4.   Incorporate Whole Grains: These not only promote healthy digestion but also help in combating winter blues.

5.   Engage in Regular Exercise: Exercises increase your blood flow and aid the body’s mechanisms. Abdominal muscle movement during exercise improves excretion processes and alleviates constipation in winter. Exercise is vital beyond constipation relief as maintaining an active lifestyle helps in all areas of life.

6.   Prioritize Proper Sleep: Proper sleep routines are a must to prevent constipation. Quality sleep not only aids in managing constipation but also contributes to overall well-being. Aim for a deep, uninterrupted sleep of 6 to 7 hours every night.

Constipation Do’s


1.   Minimize Processed Foods: Avoid oily and junk foods to prevent weight gain and constipation. Moreover, in winters you should also avoid consuming soups that are cream-based.

2.   Lack of Physical Activity: Don’t stay in your blanket. While winters can make you feel lethargic, it is still important that you engage in physical activities.

3.   Avoid Eating Cold Foods: Cold food can worsen the problem of constipation.

5.   Fighting with stress: Personal and professional stress disrupt the body’s mechanisms, affecting not only adults but also children. It also impacts sleep patterns, directly affecting the digestive system and potentially causing constipation.

6.   Ignoring the bowel movement: Ignoring the urge to defecate can cause constipation by pushing stool back into the colon, resulting in dry and hard stool. Forcing bowel movements can also lead to constipation.

Fortunately, constipation in winter can be easily treated by taking the natural, effective, safe & palatable PRULAX, a product of Matrix Pharma.

 Prulax is made from concentrated prune juice, which is known to relieve constipation naturally.

To know more about the highly-effective natural solution for constipation “PRULAX”, visit:

constipation donts


This blog is for information purposes only, this doesn’t replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Consult your doctor before using any information. Relying on this content is solely your own responsibility. Matrix Pharma Pvt. Ltd. bears no liability in any situation.
